Fortnite chapter 2 season 2

Fortnite spy games

Hear you are a spy. You have to gather Intel on the other team by getting drops from the sky and opening them but it’s not that simple! You have to battle for those in power drops, finish missions to get skins you have to get guns to win to try to be the last agent.

 You can either be an agent for ghost or shadow. Choose wisely because once your an agent for one team you can’t be the other one do missions throughout the season two get extra styles for your skins to finish missions and each one of those missions will change the fate of the island forever.

Here are the five places that you can defeat bosses:

1 The rig

2 The agency

3 The yacht

4 The shark

5 The Grado

and some people believe soon Deadpool‘s Lair in each one of these locations! There is a boss weapon:

1 The drum gun

2 The Piopio rifle

3 The kaboom bow

4 sky’s AR and grappler

5 Brutus‘s minigun

They also have vaults and would each have lots of loot. You get the keycard to the vault by killing a boss. You need the key card to open the vault and you will only be able to use the one that you’ve got that location. It’s the best game in the world because you get to play with your friends!

There are new challenges called awaken Oro he’s basically a golden king you can do these missions to get a pickAxe and gun wrap 400,000 XP for totally free there is also an item shop you can get skins pickaxes gliders and more this will cost you V there is also a battle pass level.

There is also new golden skins bye-bye feeling up to level 300 you will get all of the golden skins. There is a new skin called Oro he is the golden king. Here’s another version of modes team of agents there is also ultimate night Ripley Fusion that uses the power of the light and there is chaos agent  silage that uses the power of The shadow. 

The New gun is Deadpool’s double pistols and the Kingsmen umbrella and there’s also a new item called crash pads.

Blades do 50damage they have a very good boost they have 1500 Health


I give credit to fats1 and two other kids but they left!

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